Introduction to Digital Branding
Complete Digital Branding Guide

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Complete Digital Advertising Guide
Chapter 1: Concept of Digital Branding
What is Digital Branding?
Definition: The approach of Leveraging the Digital Platforms and the internet to build or manage your Brand identity and making the Brand communication with the audience is known as Digital Branding.
To make it more simple!
Building your brand using various Digital platforms is known as Digital Branding.
We had tossed the term Digital Marketing in the previous phase along with Digital Branding.
Digital Branding and Digital Marketing are two sides of the same coin, which means they are totally Different but always co-exists.
In order to be clear what is Digital Branding, we first need to understand the difference between Digital Branding and Digital Marketing.
Let us understand the difference between both
The main Difference between Digital Branding & Digital Marketing :
Simple thing! Marketing is what you do, Branding is what you are. Elaborating it, Digital Marketing focuses more on promoting your product or services that you provide and Digital Branding focuses on who you are and what you stand for with one similarity that is both is done via Digital Platforms.
Let’s get a little deeper into the concept :
These both are not interchangeable terms.
The end goal of Digital Marketing is to sell, while that of Digital Branding is to leave an essence of yours to the consumers.
Digital Branding focuses on values while Digital Marketing focuses on attracting people and selling them services or products.
Digital Branding focuses on building personality and reputation while digital marketing focuses more on strategies to increase revenue.
If you attracted a person with Digital Marketing he will be your customer only, but if you show him your brand essence with Digital Branding that person will be your customer and promoter.
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The Concept of Digital Branding :
The concept of Digital Branding totally opposes that of Digital Marketing, Digital Branding aims and works to create a connection between a business and their customers and leave the customers with an essence of the values of the business.
In short Digital Branding is not used only for the sole reason of Driving sales nowadays.
Digital branding is used to enhance the awareness amongst the market and audience, make an image and style of the brand and use these things to bring long-term customer loyalty.
Digital Brand Establishment involves the following four key points :
- Building a Digital Brand Story
- Creativity in Digital Media & Marketing
- Digital Channels to reach consumers
- Creating digital awareness and relationships
Ohh great you are still here, let’s have a look at the heart, soul, hands, legs, nose, and every element of Digital Branding.
How Digital Branding can help your business in 2021?
Digital things are trending and so does Digital Branding. There are a lot of benefits that you can take and use Digital Branding to help your business become a brand in 2021.
Here are some of those proven and tried ways to help your business with Digital Branding.
Omni Channel :
Offline is good for things like Brand Extension, but Digital Branding is better in aspects of reaching out and channels.
Opting for Digital Branding opens a lot of digital channels to reach out to your audience and promote your brand. Social media, forums, OTTs, Websites and many other options are there to work digitally and shout out your brand.
Virality :
When people look at your offline visuals for Branding like your hoardings, visuals, outlets, they cannot carry them away to show to other beings.
But the game is the opposite with Digital Branding. It is very easy to share anything over any digital platform and it hardly takes 2 or 3 seconds. This increases your chances to go viral and reach as many viewers as possible.
Also, many digital platforms provide paid features for promotions which are really cheap when compared with traditional channels of promotion.
Better Connection & Management :
Digital Branding gives you the power to connect and manage within your fist. Not only Digital Branding but every digital thing comes with this power.
Digital Branding gives you the power to finely select and target the audience perfect and most suitable for you. Along with it, you will always have the advantages of insights and measurements.
Mobile Optimization & Flexibility:
Might some people have spectacles and cannot see your branded advertisements on road. Might someone can have so they won’t get out of their home for few days. Maybe there is a pandemic condition like Corona Virus.
In all these things there are chances that your branding campaign cannot reach your estimated target audience. But everyone does have mobile phones and they are inseparable from their life.
Digital Branding gives you the advantage of Mobile Optimization which is one of the best advantages of Digital Branding.
Videos :
Do you had ever seen an image and cried? I guess 99% of you had not cried latest after seeing an image or a photo in your life. But had you ever seen a movie or a video and cried? This time 99% of you might have cried.
The point is Videos are more powerful to connect to the emotions of a person directly than any other medium. Videos appeal the most to the viewers and thus they feel a connection directly with your brand if you use videos.
If you talk about video, it is not possible to showcase a video with help of any digital platform. Thus videos give you an upper hand when it comes to connecting to the people which is very essential things in Branding.
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Digipple also provides some creative and outstanding Digital Branding Services.
Now go and start READING Chapter 2 to win the Digital Branding game-12 BRANDING TERMS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW.