Future of Digital Advertising
Complete Digital Advertising Guide

Everything you need to know about Digital Advertising
Complete Digital Advertising Guide
Chapter 6: The Future of Digital Advertising
Advertising no matter of what kind, always gets doubted about the returns on the investment a business put into it. Certainly, this doesn’t need any kind of explanation but still, advertising always gets the benefit of the doubt and that is the reason it is still surviving.
Advertising is doubted majorly by the businesses who have limited advertising budgets no matter internet, digital or traditional & are always provided the benefit of doubt due to the results they provide to some exceptional businesses.
This doesn’t mean that advertising is not meant for small businesses or businesses with a limited budget, that era was long gone.
Digital Advertising like Social Media Ads & Google Ads has changed the game. Google ads and Social Media ads are highly affordable as well as provided many more times returns on 1 rupee spend than a traditional type of advertisement.
But Digital Ads are also getting competitive as time goes by as people are Turning heads towards it. Now if people are turning heads towards digital advertisements you need to stay ahead of the rest.
Only and only to stay ahead you need to understand the future and Trends that are going to come in Digital or Online Advertising.
Following are the upcoming trends you could see in Digital Advertising :
1. Video Advertising
Video Streaming makes up the majority of internet traffic and that is around 75%. Video Streaming will take up around 80% of total Internet Traffic till 2021. All these stats are now common and we all know that.
Videos bring the chances of the sell up to 35% when it is a click came from Video Advertisement.
Around 92% of B2B prospects watch videos and prefer them over images they see on social media.
Wasn’t these stats enough to convince that Video Advertisement is going to be the next most possible trend in Digital Advertisement ground?
2. Micro-Moment Advertising
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis had opened some great doors in Advertisements that too especially in Digital Advertisements.
First telling you about Micro-Moment Advertising, It is the Advertisement done targeting the Micro-Moments of the user activity. For example, if a user Voice Search any food item sitting in his/her home at the evening time than and only than the advertisement set B is shown.
Various tracking features combined with AI can create some exceptionally well ad sets that generate really well ROI as it pulls the trigger at the perfect time.
Thus due to the Strategic Advantages Micro-Moment Advertising is going to be in trend soon.
3. AR the new era of Advertising
Just imagine you are playing your favorite game on the AR on your phone and an Advertisement comes into play for a toy shop that sells the exact same character’s soft toy that could be seen through AR just in front of you.
Think how much lucubrated you would be with it. This was just one use case of AR advertising from the thousands available.
There is a long way to go for AR being a part of our daily lives but if you want to stay ahead of the rest you need to adapt these things as fast as you can.
4. Advertising in Voice Search
User: Hey Siri…. Show me the nearest North Indian cuisine Restaurant
Siri: You can have the list of North Indian cuisine Restaurant on your screen but a personal suggestion for you will be the red chilli restaurant next to the second crossroad from your house.
Imagine you are facing the situation and I bet that most of the users will hear the voice advertisement of Red Chilli Restaurant and not look at the list on the screen.
How great and convertible these advertisements would be. With the combination of Artificial Intelligence and Micro-Moment optimization, this is going to be the next normal in near future.
Digipple doesn’t provide voice advertising yet but but but we still provide some of the highest ROI giving Digital Advertisement Services.